How to use sidekick

Collect blood using a regular syringe and needle

Removing the needle, gently touch the
BloodCaptor™ to the blood at the
syringe tip.
The amount of blood required will instantly
move into the collection window.

Removing the Mix Solution cap, insert the
BloodCaptor™ into the bottle and gently

Insert cartridge into Reader, and then
apply 4 drops to cartridge well

The handheld Reader will automatically
display result at 5 minutes.

Progesteron IFU

Removing the needle, gently touch the
BloodCaptor™ to the blood at the
syringe tip.
The amount of blood required will instantly
move into the collection window.

Squeeze the bulb at the top
of the pipette.
Place the tip in the plasma.
Slowly release to draw the
liquid up to the third mark.

It’s ok if the
looks hazy,
just avoid
capturing the
material from
the top and

Release all of the sample
into the buffer bottle.

Close the bottle
and mix gently.

Remove the test cartridge from
the foil and insert into reader.

Add four drops to the cartridge
sample port wait five minutes
for the final result.
